Sunday, March 6, 2011


Alexis finally hit the 20 pound mark! She had her monthly appointment to receive her RSV injections (poor girl knows exactly what's happening. She starts crying the minute we lay her on the table. ) and she weighed in at 20 lbs, 11 oz. One month shy of her 2nd birthday and she's finally out of her teens. Thank you Carnation Instant Breakfast!
Nicholas's school artwork was selected to be on display at the library for the month of March. Look for the tiny black arrow above pointing out his pic.

He's a proud boy. I'm a proud mom.

This picture was worth posting twice. All pictures on this post are courtesy of Jo Jo. Around here we refer to my mom as Paparazzi.

The most exciting moment of the weekend came during Nick's final Upwards Basketball game. All parents, siblings, and grandparents were in attendance. I can't speak highly enough of the Upwards organization. Nick's team consists of 1st and 2nd graders...mostly 2nd graders as Nick is one of only 3 1st graders. Nick knew very little going into the first practice. He could dribble. The other kids seemed to be doing lay-ups on day one. Blindfolded. But Nicholas beamed any time he was in possession of the ball. Granted, that was usually only when the ball was passed in bounds to him, but the grin on his face was infectious.

Hi Blake.

By the last game, he was the only kid in the league who hadn't yet made a basket. Not for lack of trying, but it just wasn't in the cards. God bless some of his teammates who I'm sure were prompted by our wonderful coaches.

"Try to get the ball to Nick."

Even the refs got into the act. They were a bit quicker to call the foul giving Nick an extra attempt at the foul line. But to no avail.

But he was still smiling.

But then. Could it be?

Nick got the ball. The ref might have accidentally gotten in the way and blocked out a kid or two from the opposing team. (Did I mention that the kids on the other team were the size of a Pacer?)

And he takes the shot.
And he MAKES the shot.

And the crowd erupted! (Okay, erupted might be overstating it a bit, but this is my story.) And this proud Mamma's tears flowed. I think all the parents, Nick's teammates, and the coaches were as excited as me. The coaches hugged my kid, his teammates were patting him on the back. And after the game, when the kids are presented with their stars of achievement, the asst. coach got so choked up with pride for Nick that he couldn't even speak.

Upwards rocks. Almost as much as my kids.

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