Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last Day.

The last day of school.  Sigh.  Goodbye to my schedule, my solitude, my sanity, but hello summer!  All 3 kids have had great years, thanks to great teachers.  And my, how they've grown.

After sending the boys off on the bus to enjoy their final days of 2nd and 3rd grades, J and I took Alexis to Forest Park where all the Early Childhood classes were gathering for a fun day at the park.
Lexi's E/C teacher

And the 2 assistants in Lexi's E/C class.  She ADORES them.

Lexi's buddy Anna.  They will be lifelong friends, even if I have to force them.

Anna enters kindergarten next year.  *sniff*

Alexis had a great time seeing her friends at the park and we took her for a celebratory lunch of chips and salsa.

Monday, May 6, 2013

We have a model in the Family. Thanks, but no. It's not me.

I had a 'Toddlers and Tiaras' moment on Sunday.  Turns out, I could totally be that obnoxious stage mom, forcing my kid in front of a camera.  But I digress.  Sometimes I forget that it's not all about me.


It started with a notice on Saturday that a photographer, who also happens to be a mom in my local Mom's group of kids with Down syndrome, was in need of a subject.  A model, if you will.

This photographer, Sierra, is working with Down Syndrome Indiana on a "Get to Know You" social media awareness campaign.  Every week, a different person who has that little something extra, is photographed with a little blurb that tells about them.  (Sierra's Flickr account can be seen here.)

We set up the shoot for Sunday and I took the boys and Lex over to Sierra's home for a photography session.  I was nervous.  Nervous because Alexis is 4 and, well, Miss Sassypants will cooperate when she's good and ready to cooperate.  We put her in front of the lights and the camera and girlfriend was in. her. element.

She stood on her mark, smiling for the camera, while I hovered behind Sierra looking like a complete fool.  A proud, happy, excited fool.  I told Alexis to jump, and she jumped.  I told her to dance and spin and she obliged.  Even 4 outfits and multiple props later, as her bedtime approached and she was ready to be done, Alexis was great.

I'd only checked Facebook a dozen times an hour today, waiting to see the results.  And when the pictures were posted this evening, I was elated.  Sierra was awesome with Alexis and the boys and I am so grateful to have these pictures!

We had bubbles, tutus, and music at the shoot.  Nothing could have made Lexi happier.  Except maybe some chips and salsa.  I have developed carpel tunnel in the last few hours "liking" all the posts and comments people have been making about the photos on Facebook.  And my friend Diane suggested I get Alexis an agent.  It's on my 'To Do' list.

I'm a proud stage mom.