Friday, October 18, 2013

Down syndrome in the news. Here's my hope:

I’ve seen several articles and news stories lately about people with Down syndrome who have been voted into their homecoming court.  I love these uplifting stories.  Usually when I think of Alexis’s future, I worry about inclusion or the possibility of being bullied, where she’ll eventually live, and what kind of college experience she’ll have.  These stories give me hope that her future will include late night YouTube chats with her BFF, school dances and boyfriends, just like her peers.  I love these stories, and I really do love that people forward them to me regularly, but for me, the one thing that would be better than all these newstories, would be for these stories to not be newsworthy.  I don’t expect it to eventually be common for kids with Down syndrome to be voted as homecoming queen, or to be a cheerleader, or to make the winning shot for their basketball team, but I can’t wait for the day when none of these things is such a newsworthy surprise.

But if Alexis is ever voted homecoming queen, somebody call Channel 8.

Not exactly homecoming material.  Yet.

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