Monday, November 16, 2009

No we do NOT have the croup...

I called the doctor on Friday. Alexis had been coughing and stuffy for a few days. She had a temperature a few days prior that hit 101 but it quickly lowered and remained in the 99's. Amazingly during all of this, she seemed as happy as ever. She was continuing to eat and pee and poop just as like ususal. But Friday she woke up sounding hoarse and a bit "rattley". The nurse told us to come in, just to be cautious.

Alexis weighed in at 14 lbs and no longer had a temperature. Dr. Miller listened to her but said her lungs were fine. She checked her ears and had to remove some wax from one. Dr. Miller thought she was fine. Just a cold. But she told us to watch her and to call in should her temperature rise to 101 or higher. If that were to happen, Dr. Miller guessed it would be an ear infection. I also found it interesting that should we need medical care over the weekend, that she suggested we go to Riverview Hospital as opposed to one of the Med Check types of places. Good to know...

If this had been one of the boys, I probably wouldn't have thought twice about it. But of course I'm extra cautious with Alexis after all she's been through. And I can't help but wonder how much pain or discomfort she would have to be in before she would start acting fussy or lethargic. After going through 2 major surgeries, what's a puny cold or ear infection???

Alexis was fine all weekend. Still no temp, but she continues to be stuffy and have a bit of a cough. She's hoarse and therefore the cough sounds terrible. I'm so glad I received reassurance from the doctor that she's fine. But you should see the looks of disgust I get from other adults when we're out in public and Alexis coughs this hideous cough that sounds like the croup. It's probably wrong that I find it a bit funny...

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